Saturday, March 24, 2012

Needing my Fix (TWD)


It comes around about this time of the week that whatever little reserve I had has run out...... cannot wait any longer.... I must get my fix! Oh no she didn't just say that! Right? Oh yeah baby I did, and I'm talking about The   Walking Dead! The difference between this week and any other one is that its not coming on! Last week was the season finale and as usual I'm still reeling and needing more! How could someone be so hooked on "walkers" and the essential bloodbath? Well there's more to it than that, there is the relationships that are under constant scrutiny due to the huge issue at hand and dare I not add the best part? Daryl Dixon also known as Norman Reedus in real life. You may know him from his huge rule in The Boondock Saints as well as many other great movies. He isn't in the comics, they wrote him in, and oh am I happy they did!!!!!!

I could stop right there and it would be "enough" but there's sooooo much more to be said! Last season left viewers with the "oh my gosh!" syndrome, this one left with us with "what on earth?" I read the first bit of comics but the show has surpassed where I left off. This was years ago I might add. Curiosity was killing me so I got to researching and here's what I've found and it seems pretty accurate but the only way to know is to tune into AMC in the fall. Trust me, I will be one of the first ones to tell you when! 

Let's start here:
This is in the last shot of the show. What is it? Its a prison and it holds a heck of a lot more to it than it seems. This place will ensure a story line that is quick in pace and has its own issues for our walking dead family. This is what it looks like in the comics.
1564737-the walking dead 012.21.q ok super.jpg
Pretty cool huh? If you think back to the beginning of the episode you remember seeing a helecoptor and it catches the attention of the walkers in the city. They migrate like a herd and are passing through following wherever their stupid minds are leading them and they are detoured due to Ricks gun going off. Now, think way back in season one, do you remember the helecopter that Rick saw while he was in the city riding the horse? Hello! There was something more going on even then, we just all forgot about it.

Everyone meet Michonne. She has the right idea with that sword if you ask me! I was taken back to the mutants on the leashes. So of course I dug and if my sources are correct she was a lawyer before the outbreak. I will let this picture that I found sum up the rest. Rumor is that one is her husband, and one is her brother. I could be wrong though. 

She looks like she could kick some butt. She came up with the means of survival so.... Im not messing wit her. She saved Andrea, but is she friend or foe?

I cannot wait until next season, this show is sooooo good, and did I mention NORMAN REEDUS!?


Here's a link for your next fix, enjoy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh The Road I'm On...

I LOVE TO DRIVE! Its hard for me to fathom the idea that there are actually people out there who don't. 


All my life I have enjoyed going places and seeing what is around the next bend or a few miles ahead. I have spent many hours on the back of my dad's motorcycle out in the country just enjoying the breeze. Once I was old enough to drive I hit the pavement and I've been going every since. Recently I went through something pretty hard. Miscarriage. The word alone makes me sick, looks like a foul word sucking up the clean oxygen I need in order to live. I didn't suffer this "foul word" once but twice. I've submitted to riding in the passenger seat lately to soak up the ride again. There's so many things I had planned, and just like unknown roads, I came to a dead end. Just like the sun that you know is behind those clouds in this picture, it reflects my soul, hidden just ahead, its murky but you know its there. I will not submit to stopping at the dead end though, I will not sit here and be motionless in time. There are still good things out there waiting for me. I'm over filled with all this energy to be productive. Before things happened I used it to get things ready for the baby. Now my arms are empty and I'm left restless. So I've turned to making some really awesome jewelry, primitives, scrap booking, music writing and all that right brain stuff, at least I think it's right brain stuff. Anyways, one day at a time I'm turning my jeep around and putting that dead end behind me and focusing on whats in front of me and what is in front of me is:limitless opportunities and experiences waiting on me to get there!