Thursday, May 10, 2012

Brilliant, Broke, & Beautiful


Brilliant doesn't seem to be a puzzle piece that fits with my name, I often compare the word to someone like my husband. He's super smart and can do anything he sets his mind to. Me on the other hand, not book-smart at all, I'm about average. But, then I noticed the definition also includes:

Having showing great talent, quality, etc.

OKAY! Maybe I'm brilliant in my own "special" kind of way! I play many instruments and love to write songs, it's my passion! I make jewelry and love arts and crafts of all sorts. I totally use the left side of my brain! I don't know of a world where creativity doesn't exist and I don't want to!


I'm blessed to have what I do. I'm not complaining about material things. I have a great family, wonderful friends, a nice home and a dependable vehicle and food in my fridge. However recent events have left a void not only in my heart but in our wallet. Loss......


Not once but twice. 11 weeks 2 days, and 12 weeks. Both within the last year. Nothing but love, time, and music can heal me, if ever. 


I believe there is beauty in everyone. We are all created equal. I feel that I'm unique just like everyone else. I've spent years trying to be a certain way, a certain weight, and have my appearance come out perfect, but I've learned that I'm beautiful just the way I am. I am me and I'm proud of it. Now with that said, I could use to be a little healthier, I think I will start monday, or maybe the next or............. haha!


                                                         Thanks for reading!

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